
You Are the Placebo Meditation


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You Are the Placebo Meditation - Revised Edition (1-CD)

Maak je gedachten tot realiteit met concrete geleide meditaties!

CD 1: You Are the Placebo Meditation 1: Changing Two Beliefs and Perceptions

On this revised CDs (featuring enhanced audio and new introduction track), Dr Joe Dispenza walks you through You Are the Placebo Meditation 1: Changing Two Beliefs and Perceptions. After introducing the open-focus technique, he then moves you into the practice of finding the present moment. When you discover the sweet spot of the present moment and you forget about yourself as the personality you have always been, you have access to other possibilities that already exist in the quantum field. That's because you are no longer connected to the same body-mind, to the same identification with the environment, and to the same predictable timeline. In the present moment, the familiar past and the future literally no longer exist and you become pure consciousness - a thought alone. That is the moment that you can change your body, change your environment and even create a new timeline for your life!

CD 2: You Are the Placebo Meditation 2: Changing One Belief and Perception

On this revised CD (featuring enhanced audio and new introduction track), Dr Joe Dispenza walks you through You Are the Placebo Meditation 2: Changing One Belief and Perception. After introducing the open-focus technique, he then moves you into the practice of finding the present moment. When you discover the sweet spot of the present moment and you forget about yourself as the personality you have always been, you have access to other possibilities that already exist in the quantum field. That's because you are no longer connected to the same body-mind, to the same identification with the environment, and to the same predictable timeline. In the present moment, the familiar past and the future literally no longer exist and you become pure consciousness - a thought alone. That is the moment that you can change your body, change your environment and even create a new timeline for your life!

Extra informatie


Doe de medittatie wanneer je fris en wakker bent, zodat je niet steeds gaat wegdommelen, dan gebeurt er niets.
Zet de kat buiten. Zet vervolgens je computer, laptop, Macbook, smartphone en dergelijke uit (zet je smartphone tenminste op stil). Dim het licht en ga op een stoel of bank rechtop zitten, voeten op de grond. Het is plezierig en effectief, om na deze meditatie even te gaan liggen of zelfs te gaan slapen. Dat is meteen een groot voordeel van een audio CD ten opzichte van een muziekbestand, je hoeft niet meer je computer, laptop, Macbook of tablet uit te schakelen na de meditatie. Het blauwe schermlicht, notificaties, e-mail en andere verleidingen zullen je nachtrust niet verstoren.

Belangrijke toelichting bij de Dispenza meditaties.

Transition from being somebody to being no body, which means you have to have take you attention off your body, your pain and your hunger. You’re going to have to go from being someone to being no one (taking your attention off your identity as a partner, a parent and as an employee). You’ll have to go from keeping your attention on some thing to placing your attention on no thing (forgetting all about your cell phone, your e-mails and getting a cup of coffee) and from being somewhere to being no where (getting beyond any thoughts about the chair you’re meditating in or where you’ll be going later today) and from being in lineair time to being in no time (with no distracting memories or thoughts about the future).

This will bring you to the sweet spot, the Generous present moment, with no attention, energy to the familiar past of predictable future.

Overzicht Dispenza meditaties


Over de auteur

Dr. Joe Dispenza heeft een passie voor het onderwijzen van anderen hoe de laatste ontdekkingen toe te passen uit de neurowetenschappen en kwantumfysica om hun brein opnieuw te programmeren, ziekte te genezen en een meer vervuld leven te leiden. Als een van de experts uit de film What the BLEEP Do We (K)now!? geeft dr. Joe workshops en lezingen over de hele wereld. Hij heeft ook een programma ontworpen waarmee hij zijn model van transformatie naar het bedrijfsleven brengt.


Auteur: dr. Joe Dispenza
Taal: Engelstalig
Vorm: Audio CD
Uitgever: Hay House Inc.
Publicatiedatum: 9 Feb 2016
ISBN: CD 1 9781781807309
ISBN: CD 2 9781781807316

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